If you had a time machine, when would you go? This is the question we tackle in today’s blog post!
J So many choices! I would definitely go back in time to see what really happened to the dinosaurs (and make a quick getaway!). And see how the pyramids and Stonehenge were built…maybe meet the oft-rumored ‘ancient aliens.’ I could see myself settling in the Delian League for a time–I’m a huge fan of Greek mythology and culture.
Once my appetite for the past was sated, I’d take a peek into the distant future. 10,000 years from now, will humanity exist? If so, are we recognizably human, or did we upload our consciousnesses into a galaxy-spanning cloud? Have we colonized the Milky Way, discovered another form of intelligent life? These are the things I’d want to know.

K I think I’d want to travel into the future. Ever since I first saw Star Trek: The Next Generation I’ve been obsessed with space travel and the idea of a world working together without currency. I’m hoping that the future looks more like Star Fleet and that I wouldn’t run into a future containing an evolution like the Eloi or Morlocks of H.G. Wells’ creation.
!["The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives..." Captain Jean-Luc Picard [500x336]](https://i0.wp.com/i.imgur.com/5BGldSO.jpg?w=1260&ssl=1)
While traveling to the past would be interesting, especially if I could see some of my own ancestors, sci-fi has taught me that this could be very dangerous for the space-time continuum. I know that our present isn’t perfect, but it could be worse. I would not want to royally mess up anything by trying to prevent a past wrong. Maybe I’d prevent a horrible thing from happening, but the downstream impact is that my best friend is never born. (Maybe I won’t even remember I had that best friend, or maybe there are indefinite futures splitting out from each decision point and now I’ve created a new path and the old one doesn’t even feel the changes I made. Too many theories! And I don’t want to risk it!)
Seekers, what historical or future events would you visit with your time machine?