Interested in partnering with us to create content? Fill out the form below to apply for a guest post or author interview. We want to feature authors like us! Content ideas: tell us about your favorite author tools, what inspires your writing, do an interview of one of your characters. We can also send author interview questions to have you tell us about you and your works!
See previous Author Highlights here.

Guidelines before applying
- Your website should have a few examples of your writing style for blog posts
- Stay within brand of who J&K are (we are authors, gamers, musicians, geeks, poets, and scifi and fantasy lovers)
- No offensive or discriminatory content
- We reserve the right to not post anything we feel violates these guidelines
- Content may not have appeared elsewhere previously (exception being when part of the content is a quote, poem, or other short work owned by you)
- You maintain the rights to your submitted content and can post elsewhere after 30 days from the date of publication on our blog
Note: We will respond within seven working days to your inquiry. Please review your content for spelling and grammar if you are asked to submit full content for publication. We may edit for grammar and punctuation prior to posting.