brown book page

When I was young, I never needed anyone… Just kidding, this isn’t a tribute to Celine Dion. Happy Friday, Seekers! Today, we’re taking you all the way back to when J and K were wee folk with a burgeoning love of reading. Read on to learn which books and series kindled our imaginations and inspired us to write stories of our own. J A magical wardrobe. Dufflepuds. Talking beavers. Have you guessed which series these are all from? The Chronicles of Narnia remains among my favorite reads of all time. I fell in love with the series as a child and read the books overRead More →

You’ve seen similar posts before. Pit one fictional character against another in an epic imagined duel and decide who would be the victor. J & K have decided to join in the fun. We argue our points in an interview style. Round 1 Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Drizzt Do’Urden K: Look, I like Drizzt. He’s one of my favorite fantasy book characters. But despite his awesome sneak abilities, his great swordsmanship, and even the fact that he can summon Guenhwyvar (which I still can’t pronounce) from another plane of existence, there is no way he can escape someone who wields the force. He’s out matched. EndRead More →