Greetings, Seekers! It’s been exactly one month since our debut novel, Trials of the Innermost, was released. We’ve done book launch events in Indiana and Texas that were so much fun. Thank you to everyone who came out to support us. Y’all are amazing and we felt the love. Also, a huge thanks to everyone who bought our book! We are so thrilled to finally share the finished product with you and the world and continue our writing adventure. One month later, here’s what’s coming next for us. So, what’s next? A writer’s work is never truly finished. We have multiple coauthored and solo projectsRead More →

Cover of Trials of the Innermost, depicting the title in text, a city made of crystal shards beneath a starry sky and moon.

Greetings, Seekers! It’s been a long journey, but after many years of collaboration and hard work, it’s release month for our debut novel, Trials of the Innermost (TOTI). Needless to say, we are beyond excited. And we’re doing quite a bit to celebrate! From in-person signings to giveaways, here’s your guide to all things release month. What’s Going On May (the whole month): 50% off eBooks from our publisher, Hansen House. Pre-orders are included, so get your digital copy of TOTI here. May 6-25: Goodreads giveaway! We’re giving away 5 print copies of TOTI. Enter to win here. May 26: Release date! June 3: JonathanRead More →

Coauthor Team Kristina Kelly and Jonathan Fuller Launch Debut Novel Fusing Their Favorite Elements of Sci-Fi and Fantasy A family-friendly book launch event and signing for Trials of the Innermost will include music and poetry activities inspired by the novel on June 3rd from 12-2pm at Gal’s Guide Library (the first women’s history lending library) 107 S 8th St, Noblesville, Indiana. Sometimes the longest journey is to discover your true self. In a world that stopped spinning, six young people embark on a quest to preserve peace between their homelands and fulfill a prophecy that says they will save their world from being devoured.  Read More →