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Bringing you book siblings! National Brothers and Sisters Day, observed on May 2, is a celebration of the bond between brothers and sisters. This special day provides an opportunity to reflect on the memories shared and appreciate the relationships that only siblings can have. Fiction has captured some fantastic sibling interactions from wild antics to heartwarming moments. We have ten to share with you. Book Siblings Mr. Darcy and Georgiana In Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Darcy is the guardian of his younger sister Georgiana and protected her from an attempted seduction by George Wickham who was only after her money. Mr. Darcy encourages his sister’s herRead More →

Do you have a favorite mythical creature? Today, J&K talk about the enduring fascination with mythical creatures and some of our favorites. From myths passed down orally, to stories written down as a blending of myth and facts like Homer’s Odyssey (hello Cyclops and sirens), to the purely fantastical books created by fantasy authors, magical creatures have fascinated humans from the dawn of time (probably). Why do we love dragons? Is it that they represent the struggle with chaos? Religions and cultures across our world are sprinkled with dragon lore. Jonathan shares his thoughts about why he loves dragons in our first section. Do weRead More →