Do you have a favorite mythical creature? Today, J&K talk about the enduring fascination with mythical creatures and some of our favorites. From myths passed down orally, to stories written down as a blending of myth and facts like Homer’s Odyssey (hello Cyclops and sirens), to the purely fantastical books created by fantasy authors, magical creatures have fascinated humans from the dawn of time (probably). Why do we love dragons? Is it that they represent the struggle with chaos? Religions and cultures across our world are sprinkled with dragon lore. Jonathan shares his thoughts about why he loves dragons in our first section. Do weRead More →

Welcome to another Author Highlight, a series where we feature authors like ourselves. You’ll find author interviews, tips, stories, poetry, and more. We aim to entertain, promote, and inspire. Other interviews can be found here. AJ Super AJ Super (she/her/they/them) is the author of the Seven Stars Saga, a trilogy published by Aethon Books and Blackstone Audio. Writing full time, they devour fantasy and science fiction in every medium, and even experiments with writing and reading other speculative fiction now and again. They earned two Bachelors’ degrees, and they have been an author since they were old enough to write (and illustrate) a stapled-together ABC book.Read More →

Welcome to another Author Highlight, a series where we feature authors like ourselves. You’ll find author interviews, tips, stories, poetry and more. We aim to entertain, promote, and inspire. Other interviews can be found here. Tyler Edwards Joining us in our post today is Tyler Edwards, author of Shadows of the Dark Realm releasing January 31st! Tyler is taking over our blog today with an exciting character interview with his main character, Caelan! J&K both recently finished reading Fourth Wing so we might be on a dragon kick at the moment. And check it out – it’s a dragon book to add to the TBR pile!Read More →