The third in our Fictional Crushes series wherein J & K discuss the fictional characters who make them swoon. Check out our literary picks here and our video game choices here. Today’s characters come from the cinema world! J Anyone who knows me knows I love the movie Burlesque. Cher and Christina Aguilera…what more do you need? My first movie crush is the adorable bartender Jack, played by Cam Gigandet. He’s far from perfect, but he gets it right in the end. A talented musician with a delightful spontaneous streak, Jack will always be at or near the top of my list. My second movieRead More →

You’ve seen similar posts before. Pit one fictional character against another in an epic imagined duel and decide who would be the victor. J & K have decided to join in the fun. We argue our points in an interview style. Round 1 Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Drizzt Do’Urden K: Look, I like Drizzt. He’s one of my favorite fantasy book characters. But despite his awesome sneak abilities, his great swordsmanship, and even the fact that he can summon Guenhwyvar (which I still can’t pronounce) from another plane of existence, there is no way he can escape someone who wields the force. He’s out matched. EndRead More →

Hi, Seekers! We hope that you find yourself surrounded with those you love (and those who love you) this time of year…. and always! With Thanksgiving right around the corner, besides stressing out over the half-frozen turkey and the clumpy mashed taters which won’t blend smooth, it is a time to reflect on those people and things which you are thankful for. J relocated to the West Coast from his Midwestern environs, so he is thankful for all the new friends he has made and for perfect weather when K is snowed in. 😉 In the immortal words of Bilbo Baggins, “I’m going on anRead More →