Writing is a deeply personal endeavor. Authors bring much of themselves to their work, and J and K are no different. Equally personal is a reader’s experience of a story. Everyone leaves with something different. Today, J & K talk about what they hope readers of Trials of the Innermost will take from the story. J My favorite stories spirit me away to places where impossibilities become realities, to realms where my imagination grazes on fields of dreams. And yet, beneath the glittering landscape lies a shining nugget of realization that but awaits my discovery. When I find it, I know myself better. And inRead More →

Gasp! Our last entry was about Halloween? We have good excuses, we promise.   Of course, the majority of those are about our craft – about writing. Working on the first draft of book 2 in the Etherea Cycle! (We love to read books in a series, so of course we are writing a series!)   Searching for publication. Querying agents, researching more agents, rewriting query letters, querying agents again. The cycle goes on.   And of course we are fairly active on our social media. If you aren’t following us on Twitter…. In other news: K went to Hawaii this Spring Dragon Con isRead More →

We have exciting news for you Seekers! – for us, and we hope you share in our joy as well. We completed the editing phase for our manuscript, Trials of the Innermost! This may be a repeat update if you follow our social media accounts. (This image of pure joy and relief from Gandalf sums it up quite nicely) What are we up to now? The next phase in our adventures on the path to publishing is sending out query letters to potential agents. We are also sharing How We Write on our YouTube channel. Two videos are available for your viewing pleasure. First, our origin story (how we started theRead More →