ONE. MONTH. UNTIL. RELEASE! This is not a drill. 30 days until release day! We put together a fun list of 30 things we love about our fantasy and sci-fi fusing novel, Trials of the Innermost. Which doubles as 30 reasons to read it. (Preorder now for goodies like art prints and a map, plus a signed book plate.) If you like the fusing of fantasy and sci-fi, multiple povs, lgbtq+ characters and romance subplots, and animal companions… add TOTI to your Goodreads TBR pile!

- Queer representation
- Magic like FF7’s Materia mixed with the Force from Star Wars
- Magic-canceling metal
- Nods to Tolkien with songs and poetry in the text
- Telepathic, killer birds
- Our bard when he’s like Pippin Took at the Moria well
- Dragon-like creatures born from lava
- Cake and donuts, not just cheese and bread
- Flying galleons
- Mysterious glowing cubes and holographic scripts
- Extra dimensional entities
- Every character has a secret
- Explosive flowers
- Challenging social norms and rules
- Cerulean-haired folks
- Giant. Bioluminescent. Mushrooms.
- An electrifying colony organism
- Buggy swamps and coral reef pillars
- The power of friendship
- Idrilia just does the thing. No time to ponder
- People overcoming learned prejudice
- Dinosaur-like mounts that can camouflage with the desert
- A city navigable by canals
- Original swears /curse words
- Dangerous artificial intelligence
- Wolves that have poisonous barbed tails
- A merry band of outcasts
- Ocarinas and dulcimers
- Unrequited longing
- Two-tailed lion-sized doggy will pounce and lick your face… or shred you with his claws
Add it to your Goodreads shelf.