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Anyone else want to just yell “Dragon Khaaaan!” after that title? J&K went to Dragon Con! This was Kristina’s fifth year attending the awesome scifi and fantasy convention, and Jonathan’s first. We wanted to share highlights with our seekers on the geeky fun we had. Here are the things we did together (Kristina will be posting more of her own activities on her own blog). Fun Things at Dragon Con 2016 Georgia Aquarium. While DC has a “night at the aquarium”, J&K visited on a weekday when it was less busy. The giant Voyager (ha, more Star Trek – J.) tank with whale sharks, manta rays, and moreRead More →

Kristina read an exercise in a How to Write book that went something like this: “How do you define a story? There’s no right or wrong answer. What makes a good story to you? After you’ve written it down, read it. Does your writing fit your definition? If not, why are you writing?” Both of us could write paragraphs on the topic, but below are the short versions. What a story is to Kristina.  A story is a portal through which the reader may choose to step, finding the same words that have been used by countless others for centuries arranged in such a wayRead More →

We have exciting news for you Seekers! – for us, and we hope you share in our joy as well. We completed the editing phase for our manuscript, Trials of the Innermost! This may be a repeat update if you follow our social media accounts. (This image of pure joy and relief from Gandalf sums it up quite nicely) What are we up to now? The next phase in our adventures on the path to publishing is sending out query letters to potential agents. We are also sharing How We Write on our YouTube channel. Two videos are available for your viewing pleasure. First, our origin story (how we started theRead More →