Biographical Information
Age: 40
Height: 5’9”
Eye Color: Green
Gender: Male
Birth Realm: Heathström
Weapon of Choice: His wits
Title: Troubadour; Spy
“I’ve got a new scheme as a procurer of fine waxen creations—.”
Born into a wealthy family, Ansgar struggled to fit the mold cast for him by his parents’ expectations. They intended for him to become the first male Spectre, but his meager magical talent was found wanting. Restless and eager to prove himself on his terms, Ansgar left the family business and attended the Bard Academy, graduating as a troubadour and forming a lasting friendship with Kilahym. Ansgar developed a knack for running con schemes between performing engagements and drew the attention of the Sibilstone Eyes, a spy organization based in Komor with interests across all three realms. He rose through their ranks to become one of their most trusted operatives due to his combination of wit, charm, and tenacity.